When entertainment could turn deadly....
Rape and sexual assault are criminal offences in Australia. Suicide is a tragic act that leaves a trail of devastation behind. Yet if...

Now THAT'S comfort food....
If you're starting to feel anxious and you've got ten seconds to spare, try naming as many ice cream flavours as you can. This month's...

To be the first....
Every now and then there’s a movie that puts a fire in my soul. “Hidden Figures” is one of those. It seems to go from strength to...

The Force Is Strong With This One
Most of my friends have had the experience of consoling me after I have been dealing with my daughter’s strength. “The force is strong...

The Day I Rode Aslan
If you have children who attend a particular Gold Coast private school, you know about the Lion at the front of the school. I noticed...

Worth the Wait
It was worth the wait. 5 years and nearly 1 month it took. But there were definitely moments, when it didn’t seem that way. Let me...

3 Simple Words
3 simple words. Could have gone either way. But I’m happy to say it went smoothly. I was at the local pool the other day with my two...